nursing care plan

nurs·ing care plan

(nŭrs'ing kār plan) Care plan created by a nurse for patients as a result of assessment of patient needs. The plan of care is focused on nursing interventions, not medical interventions.

nursing care plan

The statement of the goals and objectives of the nursing care provided for the patient and the activities or tasks required to accomplish the plan, including the criteria to be used to evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of the plan.See also: plan

Patient discussion about nursing care plan

Q. What is the best pathophysiology of colorectal cancer. The pathophysiology just has to be brief and concise. It also has to include nursing considerations for the patient. A. i'm not sure i understand your you mean what is the best treatment for colorectal cancer? patophysiology is the changes the tissue acquired. if you'll give me more details on what you are looking for i'll be more then happy to help you.

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