

 [mez″o-nĕ-fro´mah] clear cell adenocarcinoma.


(mez'ō-ne-frō'mă), Obsolete term for a relatively rare malignant neoplasm of the ovary and corpus uteri, thought to originate in mesonephric structures that become misplaced in ovarian tissue during embryonic development; characterized by a tubular pattern, with focal proliferation of epithelial cells with clear cytoplasm or of the hob-nail type; so-called glomeruloid structures are reported, that is, small convolutions or tufts of tiny tubate formations with capillaries extending into the spaces. Synonym(s): clear cell carcinoma, mesonephric adenocarcinoma, mesonephroid tumor, wolffian duct carcinoma [mesonephros + -oma, tumor]


(mez'ō-nĕ-frō'mă) A rare malignant neoplasm of the ovary and corpus uteri, thought to originate in mesonephric structures that become misplaced in ovarian tissue during embryonic development.
Synonym(s): clear cell carcinoma, mesometanephric carcinoma.
[mesonephros + -oma, tumor]