oblique fibers of muscular layer of stomach

ob·lique fi·bers of muscular layer of stom·ach

[TA] smooth muscle fibers of the innermost layer of the muscular coat of the stomach; the fibers occur chiefly at the cardiac end of the stomach and spread over the anterior and posterior surfaces. Synonym(s): fibrae obliquae tunicae muscularis [TA]

ob·lique fi·bers of mus·cu·lar lay·er of stom·ach

(ō-blēk' fī'bĕrz mŭs'kyū-lăr lā'ĕr stŏm'ăk) [TA] The smooth muscle fibers of the innermost layer of the muscular coat of the stomach; the fibers occur chiefly at the cardiac end of the stomach and spread over the anterior and posterior surfaces.