Murgescu, Costin
Murgescu, Costin
Born Oct. 27, 1919, in Rîmnicu-Sărat, Buzău-District. Rumanian economist; corresponding member of the Academy of the Socialist Republic of Rumania (SRR).
Murgescu graduated from the department of law of the University of Bucharest, and from 1954 to 1956 he was chairman of its subdepartment of political economy. From 1965 to 1968 he was director of the Institute of Economic Research of the Academy of the SRR. In 1970, Murgescu became director general of the Market Conditions Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Trade. His research has focused on political economy, problems of the socialist industrialization of Rumania, the economics of foreign trade, the history of the national economy, and the history of economic thought.
Industria grea, pivotul reconstrucţiei Romăniei. Bucharest, 1947.Reforma agrarâ din 1945. Bucharest, 1956.
Casa regalâ şi afacerile cu devize, 1935–40. Bucharest, 1970.
Echipa de conducere in unitāţile economice. Bucharest, 1971.
David Ricardo in Anglia revoluţiei industriale. Bucharest, 1972.