Lincoln Trail State Park

Lincoln Trail State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Illinois
Location:West of IL 1, 2 miles south of Marshall in Clark County, IL.
Facilities:2 Class A campgrounds with electricity, showers, toilet facilities,water, and playground equipment; a Class C tent camping area; a campingarea for organized adult or youth groups; picnic areas with water andtoilet facilities, 2 shelters, playgrounds; boat docks, boat ramp, boatrentals; concession stand; hiking trails.
Activities:Camping, boating (10 HP limit), fishing, hiking, ice fishing, ice skating, cross-country skiing.
Special Features:The focal point of the park is Lincoln Trail Lake, with 146 acres ofsurface area and more than 7 miles of thickly wooded shoreline. Parkalso includes the American Beech Woods Nature Preserve, with ravinesfilled with beech-maple forest similar to those existing in pioneerdays. The area is named after the trail Abraham Lincoln's familyfollowed en route from Indiana to Illinois in 1831.
Address:16985 E 1350th Rd
Marshall, IL 62441

Size: 1,023 acres.

See other parks in Illinois.