Morris, Richard

Morris, Richard,

d. 1672: see under MorrisMorris,
family of prominent American landowners and statesmen. Richard Morris, d. 1672, left England after serving in Oliver Cromwell's army, became a merchant in Barbados, and emigrated to New York City when it was known, under the Dutch, as New Amsterdam.
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, family.

Morris, Richard,

1730–1810: see under MorrisMorris,
family of prominent American landowners and statesmen. Richard Morris, d. 1672, left England after serving in Oliver Cromwell's army, became a merchant in Barbados, and emigrated to New York City when it was known, under the Dutch, as New Amsterdam.
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, family.

Morris, Richard (Valentine)

(1768–1815) naval officer; born at Morrisania, N.Y. He commanded the Tripoli Squadron (1802–03). A court of inquiry found, somewhat unjustly, that he had been insufficiently diligent in his duty. He was dismissed from the navy in 1804.