Laguna Cartagena National Wildlife Refuge

Laguna Cartagena National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:c/o Caribbean Islands NWR Complex
PO Box 510
Boqueron, PR 00622

Established: 1989.
Location:In the Lajas Valley of southwestern Puerto Rico.
Facilities:Viewing sites, hiking trails.
Activities:Hiking, wildlife observation.
Special Features:The present lagoon is a remnant of what was once a large open expanse of water and one of the most important freshwater habitats for birds in Puerto Rico. Due to past agricultural practices, 90 percent of the lagoon is choked with aquatic plants which restrict nesting and feeding.
Habitats: 1,059 acres of freshwater marsh, wetlands, sugar cane fields, and pastures.
Access: Year round during daylight hours.
Wild life: Smooth-billed anis, Magnificent frigatebird, herons, and the endangered Yellow-shouldered blackbird.

See other parks in Puerto Rico.