La Guma, Alex

La Guma, Alex


Born Feb. 20,1925, in Cape Town. A writer in the Republic of South Africa.

La Guma is one of the leaders of the progressive South African Colored People’s Congress. He has frequently been persecuted by the South African authorities. La Guma is the author of short stories and the novella A Walk in the Night (1962; Russian translation, 1964), whose protagonists are people from the social “depths,” eager to break out of the oppressive racist atmosphere. He has been deputy secretary-general of the Association of Asian and African Writers since 1973.


In Russian translation:
“Iz mraka.” In the collection Rasskazy afrikanskikh pisatelei. Moscow, 1962.
I nitka, vtroe skruchennaia. Moscow, 1966. [“Rasskazy”] In Kvartet. [Moscow, 1969.]
Kamennaia strana. Moscow, 1970.
“V kontse sezona tumanov.” Inostrannaia literatura, 1972, no. 12.