释义 |
Lagting (ˈlɑːɡtɪŋ) or Lagthingn (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the upper chamber of the Norwegian parliament. See also Storting, Odelsting[Norwegian, from lag law + ting parliament]Lagting
Lagting (1) The upper house of the parliament (Storting) in Norway. The Storting elects one-fourth of its members to form the Lagting. The remaining three-fourths of the deputies make up the lower house—the Odelsting. (2) The elected body of local self-government on the Faeroe Islands. Lagting
LagtingThe name of the parliaments of Aland (an autonomous territory of Finland) and the Faroe Islands (an autonomous territory of Denmark). The word means roughly "law thing" or "law assembly." |