Mirizzi syndrome

Mi·riz·zi syn·drome

(mi-ritz'ē), benign obstruction of the hepatic ducts due to spasm and/or fibrous scarring of surrounding connective tissue; often associated with a stone in the cystic duct and chronic cholecystitis.

Mirizzi syndrome

An acquired condition characterised by common bile duct obstruction due to gallstone impaction, resulting in jaundice, fibrosis, chronic cholecystitis and, with time, possibly cholecystocholedochal fistula formation.

Mi·riz·zi syn·drome

(mē-rēt'sē sin'drōm) Benign obstruction of the hepatic ducts due to spasm and/or fibrous scarring of surrounding connective tissue; often associated with a stone in the cystic duct and chronic cholecystitis.


P.L., 20th century Argentinian physician. Mirizzi syndrome - stenosis of hepatic duct. Synonym(s): hepatic duct obstruction