Mirgorod Hogs
Mirgorod Hogs
a meat and bacon breed of hogs. It was developed in 1940 in Mirgorod and other nearby raions of Poltava Oblast by crossing domestic sows with Berkshire, Medium White, Large White, Large Black, and Tamworth boars. The well-proportioned and strong animals are black with white spots. Adult boars weigh 230–320 kg, and sows 200–230 kg. An average litter consists of ten or 11 shoats; the largest litters contain up to 22 young. Mirgorod swine are indiscriminate eaters and are well adapted to pasturing. They fatten rapidly; at the age of six or seven months the pigs weigh up to 100 kg and consume 4.2–4.5 feed units per kg of weight gain. The meat averages 49–54 percent of the weight of the fattened carcass, and the bacon 37–41 percent. Mirgorod hogs are raised in the Ukrainian SSR and the southern oblasts of the RSFSR. They are crossbred with Large White and Landrace hogs.
Volkopialov, B. P. Svinovodstvo, 4th ed. Leningrad, 1968.M. I. MATIETS