Novocherkassk Treasure

Novocherkassk Treasure


a collection of valuable items, mostly jewelry, from the first and second centuries A.D., comprising the burial inventory of a Sarmatian queen. The treasure was discovered in 1864 during construction work at the Khokhlach barrow near the city of Novocherkassk. Among the finds was a gold diadem. On top of the diadem are figures of deer, birds, and trees; the diadem’s band is ornamented with gold pendants, multicolored stones, pearls, and a small, carved amethyst female bust of ancient work. There are magnificent examples of Sarmatian art, including gold necklaces, bracelets, perfume bottles, a goblet, and small plaques to be sewn on clothing. Also found were objects from various centers of antiquity, including centers on the Italian peninsula—a gold statuette of Eros, a terra-cotta statuette, and silver and bronze vessels.


Russkie drevnosti v pamiatnikakh iskusstva, fasc. 3. St. Petersburg, 1890.