National Association for Olmsted Parks

National Association for Olmsted Parks

Parks Directory of the United States / Parks and Conservation-Related Organizations - USAddress:1111 16th St NW, Suite 310
Washington, DC 20036

Established: 1980. Description:Coalition of park advocates, landscape architects, planners, historians, conservationists, and civic leaders committed to preserving the landscape heritage of Frederick Law Olmstead, the original landscape architect. Olmsted designed more than 100 public park grounds, including Central Park in New York City, as well as some 200 private estates, 50 residential communities, and 40 academic campuses. NAOP offers support, advice, and information for the preservation of Olmsted's historic landscapes. Members: 350. Dues: $35/year.
Publications: Field Notes (quarterly); free to members.

See other parks in District of Columbia.