

单词 massa



(Italian ˈmassa) n (Placename) a town in W Italy, in NW Tuscany. Pop: 66 769 (2001)



(mäs`ä), city (1991 pop. 66,737), capital of Massa-Carrara prov., Tuscany, N central Italy, near the Ligurian Sea. Marble is quarried, and chemicals, metals, and machinery are produced there. From the 15th to the 19th cent. Massa was the capital of the independent principality, later duchy, of Massa and Carrara, which was ruled by the Malaspina and the Cybo-Malaspina families. In 1829 the city passed through marriage to the house of Austria-Este, dukes of Modena. It united with the kingdom of Sardinia in 1859. The old town centers around the 15th-century Malaspina castle; in the new section are the Cybo-Malaspina Palace, a 15th-century cathedral, and a fine marble fountain.


(măs`ə), in the Bible, seventh son of Ishmael.



a city in central Italy, in Tuscany, near the Ligurian Sea (Marina di Massa is the outer harbor). It is the administrative center of the province of Massa e Carrara. Population, 62,800 (1971). There is production of items made from Carrara marble, which is quarried in the Apuanian Alps. There is machine building (power engineering and chemical equipment), as well as some metallurgical and chemical industry.


a town in W Italy, in NW Tuscany. Pop.: 66 769 (2001)



 [mas] 1. a lump or collection of cohering particles.2. that characteristic of matter that gives it inertia. Symbol m.atomic mass weight" >atomic weight; see also unit" >atomic mass unit.inner cell mass an internal cluster of cells at the embryonic pole of the blastocyst which develops into the body of the embryo.lean body mass that part of the body including all its components except neutral storage lipid; in essence, the fat-free mass of the body.relative molecular mass technically preferable term for weight" >molecular weight.


(mas), Acronym for mitral valve prolapse, aortic anomalies, skeletal changes, and skin changes. See: MASS syndrome.

mass (m),

(mas), 1. A lump or aggregation of coherent material. Synonym(s): massa [TA]2. pharmacotherapy a soft solid preparation containing an active medicinal agent of such consistency that it can be divided into small pieces and rolled into pills. 3. One of the seven fundamental quantities in the SI; its unit is the kilogram, defined as the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram, which is made of platinum-iridium and maintained at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. 4. The quantity of matter in a body or substance. 5. In pulmonary radiology, a lung or pleural lesion larger than 30 mm in diameter, as inferred from an opacity on the x-ray image; most often a neoplasm. 6. Commonly used as a synonym for tumor or neoplasm. [L. massa, a doughlike mass]


Mass, as in a structured cohesive tissue aggregate.


(măs) 1. An acronym proposed by the American Medical Association, to assist in triage in mass-casualty incidents. The components of the acronym are M for move, A for assess, S for sort, and S for send.2. An acronym for syndrome manifesting mitral valve prolapse, aortic anomalies, skeletal changes, and skin changes.


(mas) 1. A lump or aggregation of coherent material. 2. pharmacy A soft but solid preparation containing an active medicinal agent, of such consistency that it can be divided into small pieces and rolled into pills. 3. One of the seven fundamental quantities in the SI; its unit is the kilogram (kg), defined as the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram, which is made of platinum-iridium and kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures.
Synonym(s): massa.
[L. massa, a doughlike mass]


MASSAMalaysian and Singaporean Students' Association (McGill University)
MASSAMultiagent Systems and Software Architecture




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