Muravev-Amurskii, Nikolai
Murav’ev-Amurskii, Nikolai Nikolaevich
Born Aug. 11 (23), 1809, in St. Petersburg; died Nov. 18 (30), 1881, in Paris. Count; Russian statesman and diplomat; general of the infantry (1858).
Murav’ev-Amurskii graduated from the Corps of Pages in 1827. He fought in the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–29 and in the campaign in Poland in 1831. He became the military and civil governor of Tula Province in 1846 and became known for his liberal ideas; he supported the emancipation of the peasantry. From 1847 to 1861 he was governor of Eniseisk Province and governor-general of Eastern Siberia. Murav’ev-Amurskii carried out an active policy in exploring and opening up the region; he involved the local intelligentsia as well as political exiles in this work. He devoted attention to the settlement of the region and to expansion of trade in the Far East. He aided G. I. Nevel’skii in his research. Murav’ev-Amurskii led an expedition along the Amur in 1854–55. He represented the Russian side in the signing of the Aigun Treaty with China in 1858. He received the title of count of the Amur. He retired in 1861 and was appointed a member of the State Council.
Barsukov, I. Graf N. N. Murav’ev-Amurskii, books 1–2. 1891.G. B. KARAMZIN