mural thrombosis
mu·ral throm·bo·sis
mu·ral throm·bo·sis
(myū'răl throm-bō'sis)thrombosis
(throm-bo'sis) [ thrombo- + -osis]Etiology
Trauma (particularly after an operation and parturition), cardiac and vascular disorders, obesity, hereditary coagulation disorders, age over 65, an excess of erythrocytes and of platelets, an overproduction of fibrinogen, and sepsis are predisposing causes.
Lungs: Obstruction of the smaller vessels in the lungs causes an infarct that may be accompanied by sudden pain in the side of the chest, similar to pleurisy; also present are the spitting of blood, a pleural friction rub, and signs of consolidation. Kidneys: Blood appears in the urine. Skin: Small hemorrhagic spots may appear in the skin. Spleen: Pain is felt in the left upper abdomen. Extremities: If a large artery in one of the extremities, such as the arm, is suddenly obstructed, the part becomes cold, pale, bluish, and the pulse disappears below the obstructed site. Gangrene of the digits or of the whole limb may ensue. The same symptoms may be present with an embolism.
If the limb is swollen, one should watch for pressure sores. Burning with a hot water bottle or electric pad should be guarded against. Prolonged bedrest may be necessary, depending on the patient's condition.
Pathological clots are treated with thrombolytic agents (such as streptokinase), antiplatelet drugs (such as heparins or aspirin), anticoagulants (such as warfarin), or platelet glycoprotein receptor antagonists (such as abciximab). When a thrombus or embolus is large and life threatening, surgical removal may be attempted.
cardiac thrombosis
Coronary occlusion.catheter-associated thrombosis
cerebral sinovenous thrombosis
coagulation thrombosis
coronary thrombosis
Coronary occlusion.deep vein thrombosis
, deep venous thrombosis Abbreviation: DVTEtiology
DVT results from one or more of the following conditions: blood stasis, e.g., bedrest; endothelial injury, e.g., after surgery or trauma; hypercoagulability, e.g., factor V Leiden or deficiencies of antithrombin III, protein C, or protein S; congestive heart failure; estrogen use; malignancy; nephrotic syndrome; obesity; pregnancy; thrombocytosis; or many other conditions. DVT is a common occurrence among hospitalized patients, many of whom cannot walk or have one or more of the other risk factors just mentioned.
The patient may report a dull ache or heaviness in the limb, and swelling or redness may be present, but just as often patients have vague symptoms, making clinical diagnosis unreliable.
Compression ultrasonography is commonly used to diagnose DVT (failure of a vein to compress is evidence of a clot within its walls). Other diagnostic techniques include impedance plethysmography and venography.
Unfractionated heparin or low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) is given initially, followed by several months of therapy with an oral anticoagulant such as warfarin. The duration of therapy depends on whether the patient has had previous thrombosis and whether, at the end of a specified period of treatment, the patient has an elevated D-dimer level: patients with increased D-dimers after several months of treatment with anticoagulants are more likely than other patients to have recurrent clots if their anticoagulant regimen is discontinued..
Pulmonary emboli are common and may compromise oxygenation or result in frank cardiac arrest. Postphlebitic syndrome, a chronic swelling and aching of the affected limb, also occurs often.
In hospitalized patients and other immobilized persons, early ambulation, pneumatic compression stockings, or low doses of unfractionated heparin, LMWH, or warfarin may be given to reduce the risk of DVT.
effort thrombosis
Paget-Schreutter syndromeembolic thrombosis
Thromboembolism.hepatic vein thrombosis
infective thrombosis
marasmic thrombosis
mural thrombosis
Mural thrombus.placental thrombosis
plate thrombosis
postpartum ovarian vein thrombosis
puerperal thrombosis
septic thrombosis
sinus thrombosis
stent thrombosis
Patient Care
Stents are deployed in completely obstructed or partially blocked arteries to keep blood flowing through them to the organs they supply. When this blood flow stops due to clotting within the stent, the organ may become ischemic and die. To reduce the risk of clotting within a stent, patients use antiplatelet drugs, like aspirin, dipyridamole, or clopidogrel, and medications to lower serum lipid levels. Tobacco cessation, and healthy lifestyle changes (eating lighter, exercising regularly) may also be helpful.