A situation that occurs when the rate of construction is faster than the market can absorb new construction.Developers often cannot anticipate the amount of competition until it is too late.The lead time between placing land under contract with a lengthy due diligence period to the first signs of excavation or construction that would alert people of new development can be as long as a year on small projects. The typical market cycle is a period of perceived need for “product”—offices,houses,malls,whatever—and then a seeming explosion of new projects “coming out of the ground”almost simultaneously.By the time developers see the signs of large numbers of competing projects,it is too late to back out of their own plans.As a result,all projects go full steam ahead and hope that something other than price will differentiate them from competitors, allowing the current project to fill up quickly while competitors go begging.This hope is usually misguided,and a price war results.