Maslo-Zhirovaia Promyshlennost

Maslo-Zhirovaia Promyshlennost’


(Vegetable-oil and Fat Industry), a monthly scientific trade journal, an organ of the Ministry of the Food Industry of the USSR and the Central Board of the Scientific Technical Society of the Food Industry. The journal has been published in Moscow since 1925. In that time there have been slight variations in its name: Masloboinoe delo (Vegetable-oil Production; 1925), Masloboinozhirovoe delo (Vegetable-oil and Fat Production; 1926-40) and Masloboino-zhirovaiapromyshlennost’ (Vegetable-oil and Fat Industry; 1940, 1951-64). The journal was not published from 1941 to 1951. Since 1965 it has been Maslo-zhirovaia promyshlennost’.

The journal acquaints its readers with research on new production processes, the synthesis of new substances, and the construction of continuously operating and automatically controlled equipment. It publishes articles on expansion of raw materials resources, the extraction of oil and processing of fat, the production of margarine, mayonnaise, and soap, and the economics and organization of all sectors of the vegetable-oil and fat industry. Circulation, 3,200 (1973).