TO ADMINISTER, ADMINISTERING. The stat. 9 G. IV. c. 31, S. 11, enacts "thatif any person unlawfully and maliciously shall administer, or attempt toadminister to any person, or shall cause to be taken by any person anypoison or other destructive things," &c. every such offender, &c. In a casewhich arose under this statute, it was decided that to constitute the act ofadministering the poison, it was not absolutely necessary there should havebeen a delivery to the party poisoned, but that if she took it from a placewhere it had been put for her by the defendant, and any part of it went intoher stomach, it was an administering. 4 Carr. & Payne, 369; S. C. 19 E. C.L. R. 423; 1 Moody's C. C. 114; Carr. Crim. L. 23. Vide Attempt to Persuade.