

单词 mip



abbreviation for 1. (Banking & Finance) monthly investment plan 2. (Insurance) maximum investment plan: an endowment assurance policy designed to produce maximum profits



Abbreviation for macrophage inflammatory protein; maximum intensity projection.


(mip), Acronym and abbreviation for macrophage inhibitor potentiator protein.


A gene on chromosome 5q13.2 that encodes a beta subunit of the karyopherin receptor complex, which interacts with nuclear localisation signals to target nuclear proteins to the nucleus. The karyopherin receptor complex is a heterodimer of an alpha subunit, which recognises the nuclear localisation signal, and a beta subunit, which docks the complex at nucleoporins.


Abbreviation for maximum inspiratory pressure; maximum intensity projection.



See: Monthly income preferred security


1. Monthly income plan. An investment vehicle, especially for retired persons, that makes equal disbursements each month. This allows the receiver to budget one's retirement more carefully; that is, rather than spending all of one's retirement income at once, an MIP only allows the receiver a certain amount each month. See also: Annuity.

2. Monthly income preferred security. A preferred stock issued by a company's subsidiary in a tax haven. The subsidiary sells these preferred stocks and then lends the money to the parent. This allows the parent to avoid or evade taxes on the money raised in that round of financing.


MIPMacrophage Inflammatory Protein (immunology)
MIPMortgage Insurance Premium
MIPMinor In Possession
MIPMixed Integer Programming
MIPManejo Integrado de Plagas (Spanish: Integrated Pest Management)
MIPMaximum Intensity Projection
MIPMonthly Income Plan
MIPMultimedia Information Processing (course; various locations)
MIPManagers in Partnership (trade union; UK)
MIPManaging Intellectual Property (monthly magazine)
MIPMapping Information Platform (US FEMA)
MIPMedical Insurance Plan (various organizations)
MIPMajor Intrinsic Protein
MIPMost Improved Player
MIPManagement Information Protocol
MIPMulti Image Processor
MIPMultiple Image Print
MIPMultichannel Interface Processor
MIPMulti Image Page
MIPMobile Internet Protocol
MIPMessage Integrity Protocol
MIPMinimally Invasive Procedure (surgery)
MIPMiami, Florida (border patrol sector)
MIPMoon Impact Probe
MIPManagement Incentive Plan
MIPMalaria in Pregnancy
MIPMeinl International Power (Austria)
MIPMicrobiology, Immunology and Parasitology (various schools)
MIPMedicaid Integrity Program (US DHHS)
MIPMembrane Interface Probe
MIPMint In Package
MIPMaximum Inspiratory Pressure (measure of respiratory muscle strength)
MIPMinistarstvo Inostranih Poslova (Serbia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
MIPMonthly Investment Plan
MIPMobile Internet Protocol (IETF)
MIPMean Indicated Pressure (engine performance)
MIPMost Innovative Products
MIPMale Iron Pipe
MIPMicrowave Induced Plasma
MIPMovimiento Indígena Pachakuti (Bolivia, Pachakuti Indigenous Movement)
MIPMilitary Intelligence Program (US DoD)
MIPManagement Improvement Project (various organizations)
MIPMaster Inservice Plan (Florida)
MIPManagement Information Project (various locations)
MIPMicro Information Products (software)
MIPMulti-Annual Indicative Programme
MIPMost Important Player
MIPMost Important Person
MIPMeasure of Interim Progress (education; various locations)
MIPMastercard Interface Processor (global payments network)
MIPMobility Impaired Person
MIPMultilateral Interoperability Program
MIPMultichannel Interface Processor (Cisco)
MIPMold in Place
MIPManaging the Influence Process (US NASA)
MIPMain Instrument Panel
MIPMigration Plan
MIPMeet in Person
MIPMedial Intraparietal
MIPMajor Individual Project (various organizations)
MIPManaged Inventory Program (software)
MIPMultum in Parvum (Latin: many in one)
MIPMaintenance Index Page
MIPMassachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis (Westford, MA, USA)
MIPMarine Insurance Policy
MIPMicroprocessor Interface Program
MIPMaintenance Interaction Procedure
MIPMultimission Interactive Picture
MIPManagement Inspection Process
MIPMission Integration Panel (US NASA)
MIPMinimum Ionising Particle
MIPMasculine Identity & Power (workshop)
MIPMandatory Inspection Point
MIPMirror-Image Polydactyly
MIPMedium Interface Point (ITS)
MIPMultipath Intensity Profile
MIPMetal Ion Passivation (nuclear power)
MIPMission Integration Plan
MIPMagnetic Induced Polarization
MIPModel Installation Program
MIPMilitary Initiative Program (VFW)
MIPMinor Sync Point (ITU-T)
MIPMade in Portugal
MIPMentally Ill Person
MIPMultim In Parvum
MIPMaximal Implantation Potential (in-vitro fertilization)
MIPMolecular Imprint Polymer
MIPManagement Implementation Plan
MIPMaximum Incidental Pressure
MIPMed-I-Pant, Inc. (healthcare products company)
MIPMaryland Industrial Partnerships
MIPMachine-Independent Part
MIPMaximum Information Principle
MIPMaintenance In Progress
MIPMaterial in Process
MIPMortgage in Possession
MIPMachine Interface Processor
MIPMember Intake Process
MIPMonitoring Implementation Plan
MIPMinimum Incremental Power
MIPMapped Internet Protocol (virtual IP address used with Citrix Access Gateways)
MIPManufacturing and Inspection Plan
MIPMateriel Improvement Project
MIPMarketing Information Packet (Sprint)
MIPModernization Investment Plan
MIPMolecular Ionization Potential
MIPMaster Intelligence Plan
MIPMember Intake Program
MIPMallory Institute of Pathology
MIPMinimum Ionization Peak
MIPMinimal Improvement Path
MIPMeasure and Improve Performance
MIPModel Improvement Plan/Program
MIPMaterial Index Page
MIPMapped IP (Internet Protocol) Address (computing)
MIPMobility/Mobilization Improvement Program
MIPMaterial/Military Improvement Plan/Program
MIPMission Interface Processor
MIPminor impact program
MIPManagement/Modest Improvement Program
MIPMain Line Pipeline
MIPManagement/Master Information Paper
MIPMeasurement Index Performance
MIPMount Indicator Panel
MIPMitzpe Ramon, Israel - Domestic Airfield (airport code)




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