Maslov, Mikhail Stepanovich
Maslov, Mikhail Stepanovich
Born May 19(31), 1885, in Narva; died June 3, 1961, in Leningrad. Soviet pediatrician; academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1944); Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1935); major general in the medical service.
In 1910, Maslov graduated from the Military Medical Academy; in 1921 he was named professor and supervisor of the subdepartment of pediatrics of the academy and simultaneously (from 1938) professor at the Leningrad Institute of Pediatric Medicine. His principal works were devoted to dietetics, digestion, and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver in children, as well as the study of reactivity in children and constitutional anomalies. He made an important contribution to the study of the origin, mechanisms of development, clinical characteristics, treatment, and prophylaxis of pneumonias and septic and toxic states. He instituted in clinical practice new methods of examining patients with congenital defects of the heart and worked out indicators for surgical intervention in such cases. He created an important school of pediatricians, including A. F. Tur, P. I. Il’inskii, V. F. Znamenskii, and A. V. Valentinovich. He was a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and an honorary member of the J. Purkyne Czechoslovak Medical Society. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, four other orders, and various medals.
Bolezni pecheni i zhelchnykh putei u detei. [Leningrad] 1951.Uchebnik detskikh boleznei, 6th ed. [Leningrad] 1953.
Il’inskii, P. I. “M. S. Maslov.” In Reaktivnost’ detskogo organizma. Leningrad. 1957.N. D. MIKERINA