

单词 bem



abbreviation for British Empire Medal


1. Bachelor of Engineering of Mines. 2. British Empire Medal.


BEMBoundary Element Method
BEMBadan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (Indonesian: Student Executive Board)
BEMBetriebliches Eingliederungsmanagement (German: Integration Management)
BEMBaptism, Eucharist and Ministry
BEMBlack and Ethnic Minority
BEMBlock Element Modifier (computer programming)
BEMBiroul Electoral Municipal (Romania)
BEMBattery Energy Management (car batteries)
BEMBusiness Enterprise Manager
BEMBordeaux Ecole de Management (French: Bordeaux School Management; Bordeaux, France)
BEMBritish Empire Medal
BEMBusiness Event Management (method)
BEMBug Eyed Monster (science fiction writing plot device)
BEMBoard of Engineers Malaysia
BEMBureau d'Etudes Mécaniques (French: Mechanical Engineering Department)
BEMBio-Economic Model
BEMBack End Module
BEMBrand Equity Management
BEMBusiness Excellence Model
BEMBig Emerging Markets
BEMBig Easy Mafia (sports fan club)
BEMBuilding Energy Management
BEMBMC Event Manager (BMC Software)
BEMBureau d'Etude Métallerie (French: Office of Metalwork Study)
BEMBâtiment d'Essais et de Mesures (French: Building Test and Measurement; French Navy)
BEMBasic Emergency Management (Ontario, Canada)
BEMBandungsche Electriciteit Maatschaappij (Indonesian electrical company)
BEMBasis Expansion Model
BEMBandwidth Efficient Modem
BEMBandwidth Efficient Modulation
BEMBusiness Engineering Management
BEMBachelor of Environmental Management
BEMBayesian Expectation-Maximization
BEMBig Eyed Monster (science fiction)
BEMBoolean Expression Manipulator
BEMBooger Eating Moron
BEMBachelor of Engineering of Mines
BEMBusiness Executives' Move for New National Priorities
BEMBusiness Engagement Manager
BEMBuilding Equipment Mechanic (US Postal Service)
BEMBanco do Estado do Maranhão SA (Maranhão State Bank, Brazil)
BEMBureau d'Etudes Maritimes (French shipbuilding company)
BEMBusiness Execution Manager
BEMBlade Element Model
BEMBit Error Monitor
BEMBase Entry Monitor System
BEMBasic Education Manual
BEMBase Energy Manager
BEMBeaunit Corporation
BEMBureau of Executive Manpower
BEMBachelor of Mining Engineering
BEMBinary-Element Method
BEMBeaufort & Morehead Railroad
BEMBureau des Etudiants en Médecine (French: Bureau of Medical Students; Belgium)




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