Acronym | Definition |
LVC➣Levi's Vintage Clothing |
LVC➣Lebanon Valley College |
LVC➣La Via Campesina (international peasant movement; various locations) |
LVC➣List View Control |
LVC➣Live Virtual Classroom |
LVC➣Linux Verification Center |
LVC➣Label Virtual Circuit |
LVC➣Live Virtual Class (Sun Microsystems) |
LVC➣Laser Vision Correction |
LVC➣Live Virtual Constructive (simulation space) |
LVC➣Language Variation and Change (linguistics) |
LVC➣Liechtenstein Venture Cooperative |
LVC➣Louis Vuitton Cup (yachting cup) |
LVC➣Lease Variation Charge (Australia) |
LVC➣Low Vision Center (Bethesda, MD) |
LVC➣LongueVue Capital (various locations) |
LVC➣Low Voltage Cutoff |
LVC➣Library Video Company (educational video distributor; Wynnewood, PA) |
LVC➣Lee Van Cleef (actor) |
LVC➣Low Voltage Contractor |
LVC➣Las Vegas College (now Everest College; Las Vegas, NV) |
LVC➣Loan Verification Certificate (US Department of Education) |
LVC➣Low-Voltage CMOS Technology (family of logic integrated circuits) |
LVC➣Lower Order Virtual Containers (SDH) |
LVC➣Local Variable Cache |
LVC➣Lead Vehicle Commander |
LVC➣Low Velocity Cloud |
LVC➣Lodge Vice-Chief (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America) |
LVC➣Launch Vehicle Contingency Reserve (US NASA) |
LVC➣Lung Vasculature Code (pulmonary lobar vessel) |
LVC➣Lost Valley Center (Dexter, OR) |