Bayard Cutting Arboretum State Park

Bayard Cutting Arboretum State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New York
Location:Off Montauk Highway (Rt 27A, Exit 45E) in Oakdale.
Facilities:Arboretum, nature trail (é), gift shop, food (é).
Activities:Recreation programs.
Special Features:Park features one of the most extensive collections of fir, spruce,pine, cypress, hemlock, and other conifers to be found on Long Island.The arboretum also has extensive plantings of dwarf evergreens,rhododendron, azaleas, hollies and oaks, wildflowers, and daffodils.The park's ponds and streams and many trees, shrubs, and flowersprovide food and homes for birds, fox, raccoon, and other wildlife.
Address:PO Box 466
Oakdale, NY 11769

Size: 690 acres.

See other parks in New York.