lactic acidemia

lac·tic ac·i·de·mi·a

(lak'tik as'i-dē'mē-ă), The presence of dextrorotatory lactic acid in the circulating blood. Synonym(s): lactacidemia [lactic acid + G. haima, blood]

lac·tic ac·i·de·mi·a

(lak'tik as'i-dē'mē-ă) The presence of dextrorotatory lactic acid in the circulating blood. [lactic acid + G. haima, blood]


(as?i-de'me-a) [ acid + -emia] A decrease in the arterial blood pH below 7.35. The hydrogen ion concentration of the blood increases, as reflected by a lowering of serum pH values. See: acid-base balance; acidity; acidosis

isovaleric acidemia

A rare autosomal recessive metabolic disease affecting leucine metabolism. Isovaleric acid accumulates in the blood during periods of increased amino acid metabolism. Coma and death may occur.

lactic acidemia


methylmalonic acidemia

An inherited metabolic disease caused by inability to convert methylmalonic acid to succinic acid. The clinical signs are failure to grow, mental retardation, and severe metabolic acidosis. One form of the disease will respond to vitamin B12 given either in utero or to the mother before delivery.