Municipal Lands
Municipal Lands
all the land located within the city limits. In the USSR the legal regulation of municipal lands is established by the Basic Principles of Land Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics of 1968 and by legislation of the Union republics (for example, in the RSFSR, the Statute on Land Management in the Cities of 1925). The statutes concerning the legal regulation of municipal lands extend to lands occupied by all populated areas included in the category of urban-type settlements by the legislation of the Union republics—that is, workers’ settlements, country house areas, and health resorts.
Municipal lands include (I) lands occupied by city structures—residential, administrative, industrial, and other buildings and structures or municipal lands intended for construction of such buildings under the annual use plans; (2) lands for general use, including streets, squares, and quays. which are intended for intracity movement or recreational and other cultural or personal needs; (3) agricultural lands and other arable lands used for agricultural production and other urban economic needs; (4) lands occupied by the city’s forests; and (5) lands used for rail, water, air, or pipeline transportation or for mining.
Municipal lands are administered by city soviets of working people’s deputies and are subject to the land-use legislation of state, public, and cooperative organizations (including residential and country house construction cooperatives).
Municipal lands are used on the basis of designs for the planning and construction of cities (urban master plans), annual construction plans, and plans for urban land-use organization.