Operating System/Multiprogramming of Fixed Tasks

Operating System/Multiprogramming of Fixed Tasks

(operating system)(OS/MFT) One of the IBM operating systems associated with the IBM 360, released in 1966 andtargetted at mid-range IBM 360 users (typically 360/40,360/50). OS/MFT was the juinior member of the main 'OS'series of IBM operating systems, the other being OS/MVT.Smaller 360 mainframes used DOS.

OS/MFT shared JCL and utilities with OS/MVT but allocatedmemory differently. In OS/MFT, partitions of memory were of afixed number and size, specified by the generation andconfiguration of the operating system. As this class ofmainframe had typically less than 512K of main memory,partitions tended to be about 128K.

With the advent of Virtual Storage and the System 370'sDynamic Address Translation (DAT), OS/MFT was improved tobecome OS/VS1, taking account of virtual storage in a singlepartition up to 16MB.