

单词 mas



(mɑːs) n1. Caribbean a carnival2. (Music, other) music played for a carnival, or a band playing this[C20: from masquerade]



Modula-2 Algebra System. Runs on IBM PC, Atari, Amiga.


["Modula-2 Algebra System", H. Kredel, Proc DISCO 90 Capri,LNCS 429, Springer 1990, pp270-271].


(1) (Multiple Address System) A radio service in the 932-932.5 and 941-941.5 MHz frequency that covers a 25-mile radius from the antenna. It is used for sensor-based and transaction systems (ATMs, reservations, alarms, traffic control, etc.).

(2) (Multiple Award Schedule) A list of approved products available for purchase by U.S. government agencies.

(3) (Macintosh Application System) Software that allows a Macintosh 68K application to run in a PowerPC. It includes a 68K emulator and the Macintosh Toolbox, which contains the Mac's graphical functions. The Macintosh graphical user interface runs native in the PowerPC while only the Motorola 68K instructions are emulated.



 a unit of radiographic exposure equal to the product of the milliamperage and the exposure time in seconds. Abbreviated mAs.


MASMulti Agent System
MASMonetary Authority of Singapore
MASMuslim American Society
MASManufacturing Advisory Service
MASMaster of Advanced Studies
MASMultiple-Award Schedule (contract)
MASMagic-Angle Spinning
MASMathematics and Statistics (various schools)
MASMiami Ad School (various locations)
MASMartial Arts School (various locations)
MASMovimiento al Socialismo (Movement to Socialism; Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela)
MASMarker Assisted Selection
MASMiniature Australian Shepherd (dog)
MASMilitary Air System (Eastern Air Defense Sector)
MASMasco Corporation (stock symbol)
MASChennai, India (Nugumbakkam Airport Code)
MASMaster Airscrew (model aircraft propeller)
MASMicrosoft Activesync
MASMedical Aid Scheme (various locations)
MASManagement Accounting System
MASMinutes after Sunset
MASManagement Accounting Software (various organizations)
MASMultiagent System
MASMODIS Airborne Simulator
MASMeconium Aspiration Syndrome
MASMaster of Administrative Science (Fairleigh Dickinson University; New Jersey)
MASMultiple Access System
MASMicrosoft anti Spyware
MASMobile Access Signaling
MASModular Authentication Service
MASMain Store
MASMultiple Address System
MASModeling Analysis and Simulation
MASManaged Application System
MASMiddleware Administration Server
MASMathcad Application Server
MASMalaysian Airlines System (ICAO code)
MASMexican American Studies
MASMcCune-Albright Syndrome
MASMass Air Sensor (automotive)
MASMedical Assurance Society (various locations)
MASMulti Asset Strategy
MASMedia Arts and Sciences (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
MASMetro Animal Services (various locations)
MASMotor Assessment Scale (clinical evaluation method)
MASMutual Admiration Society
MASMonthly Auto Ship (customer program)
MASManeuver Ammunition Systems (US DoD)
MASMedia Asset Management
MASMuerte A Secuestradores (paramilitary death squad)
MASMetropolitan Ambulance Service (Melbourne, Australia)
MASMassachusetts Audubon Society
MASManagement Advisory Service
MASMandibular Advancement Splint
MASMongolian Academy of Sciences
MASMilitary Aid Society
MASMoney Advice Scotland (UK)
MASMiller Anderson & Sherrerd (Bala Cynwyd, PA)
MASMaster Advertising Specialist
MASMilitary Air Solutions (now Military Air & Information; UK)
MASMindless Accept Syndrome
MASMilitary Airlift Squadron
MASMake A Star (website)
MASMake A Star (gaming, Katamari Damacy)
MASMassachusetts Academy of Science
MASModern Apprenticeship Scheme
MASMozilla Application Suite
MASMixed Amphetamine Salt
MASManaged Access System (prison technology)
MASMapping Activity Statement (US FEMA)
MASMillimeter-wave Atmospheric Sounder
MASMake-A-Store, Inc.
MASMilliampere Second (quantifies an X-ray beam)
MASMemento Audere Semper (Latin: remember to dare always)
MASMilitary Agency for Standardization
MASManaged Accounts Service (various companies)
MASMinnesota Academic Standards
MASMicroarray Analysis Suite (bioinformatics software)
MASMaster of Aeronautical Science (degree)
MASMass Attenuation Coefficient
MASMarine Advisory Service (Sea Grant Program)
MASMethod of Auxiliary Sources
MASMissouri Academy of Science
MASMovimiento de Acción Solidaria (Guatema)
MASMaryland Adolescent Survey (Maryland State Department of Education)
MASManaged Authentication Service
MASMaritime Assistance Service (International Maritime Organization)
MASMorenci Area Schools (Michigan)
MASMilwaukee Astronomical Society
MASMotoscafo Anti Sommergibile (Italian navy WWI and WWII)
MASMusée Automobile de la Sarthe (French: Automobile Museum of Sarthe; Sarthe, France)
MASMessage Application Server (Avaya)
MASMercosur Administrative Secretariat (trade)
MASMotivational Assessment Scale
MASMulti-Access Spool (IBM Mainframe)
MASMichigan Archaeological Society
MASMilitary Aftermarket Services
MASMinistry of Altar Servers (Catholicism)
MASMemory Administration System
MASMandolin Acquisition Syndrome
MASMemorial Affairs Squadron
MASMap Accuracy Standard
MASMass Announcement System
MASMinimum Acceptable Strength
MASMission Aircrew School
MASMaritime Air Superiority
MASMecklenburg Audubon Society (North Carolina)
MASMilitary Assistance Sales
MASModern Art Studio (band)
MASMarket Analysis Service
MASMyanmar Agricultural Service
MASManeuver Air Support
MASMotivated Abilities and Skills (UK)
MASMultifaith Action Society (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
MASMontana Archaeological Society
MASMarketing Analysis System
MASMalta Aviation Society
MASMutuelle d'Action Sociale (French: Mutual Social Action; Morocco)
MASModular Alarm System
MASMuseum Association of Saskatchewan (Regina, SK, Canada)
MASMarine Assistance Service
MASMaster of Architectural Studies
MASManagement Assistance Service
MASMulti-Service Access System
MASModified Alsever Solution
MASMatrix Algebraic Separation (algorithm)
MASMission d'Amenagement du Delta du Fleuve Senegal
MASMenu Activated Switch
MASMaster Assembly Schedule
MASMan-Day Accounting System
MASManagement and Administrative Staff Association (Cleveland State University; Ohio)
MASMobile Atmospheric Spectrometer
MASMainland Air Services (New Zealand)
MASMaintenance Action Sheet
MASManitoba Affidavit of Support (Canada)
MASMultiple Address Spectrum (FCC)
MASMutant Analysis Service
MASMaximum Assignable Slots
MASMission Area Summary
MASMaximum Amount Subject (insurance/underwriting)
MASMechanical Actuation System
MASMultiple Absorbing Surfaces
MASMa’lomat wa Abhath Seyahiyah (Arabic: National Centre for Tourism Information and Research; Saudi Arabia)
MASModule Attach System
MASMaximal Allowed Shareability
MASMarianas Audubon Society
MASMilitary Application Seminar
MASMildly Amused Smirk
MASManagement Analysis Summary
MASMagic ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Studio (software)




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