Baxter State Park

Baxter State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Maine
Location:50 miles north of Greenville.
Facilities:Primitive campsites (lean-to/tent, wilderness cabins), trails.
Activities:Low-impact camping and hiking, fishing, skiing (winter only), snowmobiling, mountain climbing.
Special Features:Park is not part of Maine's state parksystem. It was given in trust to the people of Maine by former GovernorPercival Baxter and is managedby an independent authority. The park consists of 200,000 acres ofmountains, lakes, streams, and forest maintained in its natural wildstate. It includes Mount Katahdin, the highest mountainin Maine, and the northern terminus of the 2,144-mile-long AppalachianNational Scenic Trail (see separate entry in national trails section).
Address:64 Balsam Dr
Millinocket, ME 04462

Size: 202,064 acres.

See other parks in Maine.