释义 |
lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi muscle lac·ri·mal part of or·bic·u·la·ris oc·u·li mus·clepart of orbicularis oculi (muscle) arising from lacrimal bone. See: orbicularis oculi (muscle). Synonym(s): Duverney muscle, Horner muscle, musculus tensor tarsi, pars lacrimalis musculi orbicularis oculiDuverney, Joseph G., French anatomist, 1648-1730. Duverney fissures - (usually) two vertical fissures in the anterior portion of the cartilage of the external auditory meatus, filled by fibrous tissue. Synonym(s): notches in cartilage of external acoustic meatusDuverney foramen - the passage, below and behind the portal hepatis, connecting the two sacs of the peritoneum. Synonym(s): epiploic foramenDuverney gland - one of two mucoid-secreting tubuloalveolar glands on either side of the lower part of the vagina, the equivalent of the bulbourethral glands in the male. Synonym(s): greater vestibular glandDuverney muscle - Synonym(s): lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi muscle
Horner, William E., U.S. anatomist, 1793-1853. Horner muscle - Synonym(s): lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi muscleHorner teeth - incisor teeth having a horizontal hypoplastic groove. |