Lilina, Mariia Petrovna

Lilina, Mariia Petrovna


(stage name of M. P. Perevoshchikova). Born June 21 (July 3), 1866, in Moscow; died there Aug. 24, 1943. Russian actress. People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1933).

Lilina performed in the plays staged by the Society of Art and Literature. She married K. S. Stanislavsky in 1889 and remained his loyal student and follower throughout her life. Lilina was a leading actress of the Moscow Art Theater from its inception (1898).

A brilliant and subtle artist, Lilina played Masha, Sonia, and Natasha in Chekhov’s The Seagull, Uncle Vanya, and Three Sisters; Lebiadkina in Nikolai Stavrogin (based on the The Devils by Dostoevsky); Elina in At the Gates to the Kingdom by Hamsun; Dar’ia Ivanovna in The Provincial Lady by Turgenev; and Karenina in The Living Corpse by L. N. Tolstoy. Lilina directed productions and taught at the K. S. Stanislavsky Studio.


M. P. Lilina. Moscow, 1960. (Collection of materials.)
Vilenkin, V. Ia. “M. P. Lilina.” In Ezhegodnik MKhAT: 1943. Moscow, 1945.