Lure, Solomon Iakovlevich
Lur’e, Solomon Iakovlevich
Born Dec. 27, 1890 (Jan. 8, 1891), in Mogilev; died Oct. 30, 1964, in L’vov. Soviet historian of antiquity, philologist, doctor of historical science (1934) and of philological science (1943). Professor at the universities of Samara, Leningrad, and L’vov.
Lur’e wrote on classical Greek history, literature, linguistics, epigraphy, folklore, philosophy, and the history of mathematics. His main works include The History of Classical Social Thought (1929), The History of Greece (vol. 1, 1940), Studies in the History of Classical Science (1947), and The Language and Culture of Mycenaean Greece (1957), a survey work on the language, social relations, and state system of Mycenaean society. He was the author of translations with commentaries of the writings of Xenophon (1935), Plutarch (1940), and other classical authors.
“K 70-letiiu prof. S. la. Lur’e.” Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1960, no. 4.“Pamiati uchitelia.” Ibid., 1965, no. 1. (Contains a complete list of his works.)