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IdiomsSeestarvin' MarvinMARVIN
MARVINU Dortmund, 1984. Applicative language based on Modula-2,enhanced by signatures (grammars) terms (trees) and attributecouplings (functions on trees). Used for specification oflanguage translators.
["MARVIN - A Tool for Applicative and Modular CompilerSpecification", H. Ganziger et al, Forsch 220, U Dortmund,Jul 1986].MARVIN
Acronym | Definition |
MARVIN➣Multi-Purpose Aerial Robot Vehicle with Intelligent Navigation | MARVIN➣Minimisation and Relaxation of Vacancies and Interstitials for Neutral Surfaces (UK) | MARVIN➣Mobile Autonomous Robotic Vehicle for Indoor Navigation (Robotics Laboratory University; Kaiserslautern, Germany) | MARVIN➣Michigan Automated Response Voice Interactive Network (call-in service for Michigan's unemployment system) | MARVIN➣Mobile Autonomous Robot with Video-based Navigation |