Acronym | Definition |
BCLC➣Business Civic Leadership Center |
BCLC➣British Columbia Lottery Corporation |
BCLC➣Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer |
BCLC➣Breast Cancer Linkage Consortium |
BCLC➣Bethlehem Church Life Centre (UK) |
BCLC➣Buffalo Criminal Law Center (State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law) |
BCLC➣Big Cook Little Cook (UK children's TV show) |
BCLC➣Beyond Consequences, Logic and Control (Heather T. Forbes book) |
BCLC➣Buggy Club de la Côte (French: Buggy Club of the Coast; Switzerland) |
BCLC➣Badminton Club Le Chesnay (Le Chesnay, France) |
BCLC➣Brigade Centrale de Lutte Contre la Corruption (French: Central Brigade for Combating Corruption) |
BCLC➣Bandwidth-Constrained Least-Cost (routing protocol) |
BCLC➣Bituminous Concrete Lip Curb |