Moreau, Hégésippe
Moreau, Hégésippe
(pseudonym of Pierre Jacques Rouillot). Born Apr. 8, 1810, in Paris; died there Dec. 20, 1838. French poet.
Moreau grew up as an orphan and spent his life in poverty. He was expelled from a seminary for freely expressing his views and took part in the July Revolution of 1830. From 1833 in Provins, he periodically published Diogenes, pamphlets in verse. In 1838 he gathered his songs and satires into the collection Forget-me-not (Russian translation, 1937). In Moreau’s revolutionary-romantic poetry, exposes of the authorities and outbursts of a furious and rebellious spirit are interwoven with the complaints of a homeless wanderer and reveries about the tranquillity of rural life.
Oeuvres complètes, vols. 1–2. Paris, 1890.REFERENCES
Danilin, Iu. Poety iiul’skoi revoliutsii. Moscow, 1935.Velikovskii, S. Poety frantsuzskikh revoliutsii 1789–1848. Moscow, 1963.
Benoit-Guyod, G. La Vie maudite d’H. Moreau. Paris, 1945.