Martynov, Evgenii
Martynov, Evgenii Ivanovich
Born Sept. 22 (Oct. 4), 1864, in Sveaborg, now Suomenlinna, Finland; died 1932 (?). Russian military historian and lieutenant general (1910).
Martynov graduated from the Academy of the General Staff in 1889. During the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05 he successfully commanded an infantry regiment. In 1913 he was discharged into the reserve for criticizing in the press the existing state of affairs in the army. At the beginning of World War I he was captured (August 1914). Upon his return to his native land in June 1918 he entered the Red Army. He was chief of supply for the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, taught at the Academy of the General Staff, and worked on the Military History Commission and the Directorate for the Investigation and Application of War Experience. He was the author of a number of works on military history, which are rich in factual material. In 1928 he was discharged from the Red Army because of age.
Strategiia v epokhu Napoleona i v nashe vremia. St. Petersburg, 1894.Blokada Plevny. St. Petersburg, 1900.
Izpechal’nogo opyta russko-iaponskoi voiny, 2nded. St. Petersburg, 1907.
Vospominaniia o iaponskoi voine komandira pekhotnogo polka. Polotsk, 1910.
Tsarskaia armiia v FevraTskom perevorote. [Leningrad] 1927.
Kornilov: (Popytka voennogo perevorota). [Leningrad] 1927.