Martsin, Tatiana
Martsin, Tat’iana Filippovna
Born Feb. 7 (19), 1899, in the village of Zhabokrich, in present-day Kryzhopol’ Raion, Vinnitsa Oblast, Ukrainian SSR. Kolkhoz production innovator, twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1948, 1958). Became a member of the CPSU in 1952.
Between 1930 and 1961, Martsin was a work-team leader at the Third Vyrishal’nyi Kolkhoz in Kryzhopol’ Raion. Over the years Martsin’s team received high, stable yields of up to 82 quintals of corn and up to 560 quintals of sugar beets per hectare. She retired in 1962. She has been awarded two Orders of Lenin, medals, and the great and small gold medals of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition.