Otto Bader

Bader, Otto Nikolaevich


Born June 16 (29), 1903, in the village of Aleksandrovskoe, Gadiach District, Poltava Province. Soviet archaeologist, doctor of historical sciences (1964). Studied many relics of the Paleolithic period (the Sungir’ camp, paleolithic painting in the Kapova cave, and others) and the Bronze Age (the Balanovo and Turbino burial grounds, and others).


Ha zare istorii Prikam’ia. Perm’, 1958. (With V. A. Oborin.)
Poseleniia turbinskogo tipa v srednem Prikam’e. Moscow, 1961.
Balanovskii mogil’nik: Iz istorii lesnogo Povolzh’ia v epokhu bronzy. Moscow, 1963.
Kapovaia peshchera: Paleoiiticheskaia zhivopis’. Moscow, 1965.