Merchants Millpond State Park

Merchants Millpond State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / North Carolina
Location:6 miles northeast of Gatesville, accessible via US 158, NC 32 and NC 37.
Facilities:20 campsites with hookups, showers, 5 primitive campsites, 3 primitive group camps, 10 canoe campsites (including 3 group camps), picnic area, picnic shelter, trails, canoe rental, concession stand.
Activities:Camping, canoeing, lake fishing, hiking, wildlife viewing, nature programs.
Special Features:Massive cypress and gum trees covered with Spanish moss form a canopy over the dark, acid waters of the millpond, creating an ideal habitat for beavers, otters, and other wetland wildlife.
Address:71 US Hwy 158E
Gatesville, NC 27938

Size: 3,296 acres.

See other parks in North Carolina.