Adler Silvery Chicken

Adler Silvery Chicken


stock group of meat-egg chickens raised in Krasnodar Krai, RSFSR. The breed was developed by crossing chickens of the Russian White and the Pervomai pedigree groups and the New Hampshire and White Plymouth Rock breeds. The Adler chicken’s plumage is white with black feathers on the neck and tail; the comb is leafy. The average liveweight is 3.8 kg for roosters and 2.6 kg for hens. Egg production is 160–180 eggs. The Adler silvery chicken is used to create maternal lines in broiler production. Chicks obtained by crossing Adler hens with White Cornish roosters grow rapidly—by their 70th day they weigh around 1,300 g—and produce high-quality meat.