Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park

Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Tennessee
Location:15 miles north of I-40 on US Highway 641.
Facilities:53 campsites (including 15 tent only sites), backcountry campsites, group lodge, picnic areas, pavilions, hiking trails, boat ramps, museum, gift shop, game courts, playfield, playgrounds, interpretive center.
Activities:Camping, boating, water-skiing, swimming, fishing, hiking, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park marks the site of the Civil War Battle of Johnsonville, where Confederate forces under General Nathan Bedford Forrest destroyed a Union supply depot. Pilot Knob, named for its use as a landmark by riverboat pilots, offers a spectacular view of the lake and is home of the Tennessee River Folklife Center.
Address:1825 Pilot Knob Rd
Eva, TN 38333

Size: 2,587 acres.

See other parks in Tennessee.