adlerian psychology

in·di·vid·u·al psy·chol·o·gy

a theory of human behavior emphasizing humans' social nature, strivings for mastery, and drive to overcome, by compensation, feelings of inferiority. Synonym(s): adlerian psychoanalysis, adlerian psychology

ad·le·ri·an psy·chol·o·gy

(ad-ler'ē-ĕn sī-kol'ŏ-jē) Psychotherapeutic technique based on the theory that the major issues to be resolved during life involve social adjustments, occupations, and love. Major distinguishing tenet is that neurosis results from a feeling of inferiority that arises when the drive for superiority is frustrated.
Synonym(s): individual psychology.


Alfred, Austrian psychiatrist, 1870-1937. adlerian psychoanalysis - a theory of human behavior emphasizing humans' social nature, strivings for mastery, and drive to overcome, by compensation, feelings of inferiority. Synonym(s): individual psychology; adlerian psychologyadlerian psychology - Synonym(s): adlerian psychoanalysis