Natan Mikhailovich Lure

Lur’e, Natan Mikhailovich


(literary name, Note Lur’e). Born Jan. 2 (15), 1906, in the village of Roskoshnoe, Zaporozh’e. Soviet Jewish writer.

As a boy, Lur’e was an agricultural worker. He graduated from the literature department of the Second Moscow State University and served in the Great Patriotic War (1941-45). He worked for the newspaper Der ernes (The Truth) and began publishing in 1929. The novel The Steppe Calls (1932; Russian translation, 1958) describes life in a Jewish village, the sharp class struggle during collectivization, the breakdown of the psychology of private ownership, and the longing of the peasantry for a new life. In the novel Heaven and Earth (1963) the author focuses on the events of the Great Patriotic War. Lur’e’s prose is psychological and lyrical. He was a master of the technique of the internal monologue.


A libe bam iam. Moscow, 1938.
Khiml un erd. Moscow, 1965.


Klitenik, I. “In di ershte reien.” In Verk un shraiber. Moscow, 1935.
Remenik, G. “Note Lur’e.” Sovetish heimland, 1966, no. 1.