Natali, Vladimir Frankovich
Natali, Vladimir Frankovich
Born Aug. 29 (Sept. 10), 1890, in Kharkov; died Nov. 6, 1965, in Moscow. Soviet biologist, educator, and professor (from 1934). Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR (1947).
In 1912, Natali graduated from the University of Kharkov. From 1913 he lived in Moscow, working at the V. I. Lenin Moscow Pedagogical Institute and the N. K. Krupskaia Moscow Oblast Pedagogical Institute from 1921 to 1960. Natali conducted courses in general biology, invertebrate zoology, Darwinism, and genetics. He belonged to the scientific school of thought of N. K. Kol’tsov.
Natali’s principal works were in the field of experimental genetics: he studied the problem of sex determination in fish. His scientific-methodological works are popular, including General Biology (1934, coauthored by K. V. Mogrzhikovskaia and V. V. Kh’ostova) and Invertebrate Zoology (1951). Natali’s Fundamental Problems of Genetics was published posthumously in 1967.