Nataliia Tarasenko

Tarasenko, Nataliia Iuvenal’evna


Born, Aug. 18 (31), 1911, in the city of Novozybkov, in what is now Briansk Oblast. Soviet hygienist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1967). Member of the CPSU since 1940.

Tarasenko graduated from the Saratov Medical Institute in 1933. In 1965 she was appointed head of the subdepartment of occupational hygiene at the First Moscow Medical Institute. Her main works are concerned with radiation hygiene and safety in working with sources of ionizing radiation. Tarasenko received the Lenin Prize in 1961 and has been awarded four orders and various medals.


Gigiena truda pri rabote na atomnykh elektrostantsiiakh. Moscow, 1960. (Coauthor.)
Gigiena truda pri gammadefektoskopii metallicheskikh izdelii. Moscow, 1960.
Gigiena truda pri rabote storiem. Moscow, 1963.
Zashchita i ochistka kozhnykh pokrovov ot radioaktivnykh zagriaznenii. Moscow, 1972.