Minneopa State Park

Minneopa State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Minnesota
Location:5 miles west of Mankato on State Highway 68 and US Highway 169.
Facilities:61 drive-in campsites (6 with electrical hookups), showers (é), flushtoilets (é), group camp, camper cabin, picnic area, picnic shelter(é), volleyball court, horseshoe pit, hiking trails (4 miles), skitrails (3.5 miles), hand launch boat ramp, visitor center, interpretiveexhibits, historic site, gift shop.
Activities:Camping, stream and river fishing, boating, canoeing, hiking, cross-country skiing.
Special Features:The word Minneopa comes from the Dakota language and is interpreted tomean "water falling twice," referring to the beautiful waterfalls ofthe Minneopa Creek. Visitors can walk a trail that encircles the fallsand leads down a limestone stairway to the valley below and then scendthe opposite side for a panoramic view of the valley. Another parkattraction is Seppmann Mill, a wind-driven grist mill fashioned inGerman style from native stone and lumber.
Address:54497 Gadwall Rd
Mankato, MN 56001

Web: www.dnr.state.mn.us/state_parks/minneopa
Size: 2,691 acres.

See other parks in Minnesota.