

单词 adl



abbr.1. activities of daily living2. Anti-Defamation League


Anti-Defamation League (of B'nai B'rith).



(games)Adventure Definition Language.


(language)Ada Development Language.

R.A. Lees, 1989.


(programming)API Definition Language.

A project for Automatic Interface Test Generation.



 [ak-tiv´ĭ-te] 1. the quality or process of exerting energy or of accomplishing an effect.2. a thermodynamic quantity that represents the effective concentration of a solute in a non-ideal solution. Symbol a.3. the number of disintegrations per unit of a radioactive material. Symbol A.4. the presence of recordable electrical energy in a nerve or muscle.optical activity.a's of daily living (ADL) activities that are necessary for daily care of oneself and independent community living. It includes using the toilet and grooming, dressing, and feeding oneself; independent community living includes driving, shopping, homemaking, care of family, work activities, and so on. See also care" >self care, deficit" >self care deficit, and assistance" >self care assistance.(See accompanying table.)deficient diversional activity a nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as the experiencing by an individual of decreased stimulation from, interest in, or engagement in recreational or leisure activities. Formerly called diversional activity deficit. Possible causes include prolonged hospitalization or immobility at home, frequent and lengthy treatments such as renal dialysis, and a monotonous, nonstimulating environment. The patient usually gives subjective evidence that this condition exists by verbalizing a feeling of boredom or stating a desire for something to do or gives objective evidence by acting depressed or restless.
Nursing interventions that could be appropriate for diversional activity deficit include interviewing the patient to assess the current situation and to assist in developing plans for activities that provide interest and stimulation. These activities could include music, games, reading, handwork, or any other pastimes enjoyed by the patient. Patients may need assistance in identifying available resources and motivation to take advantage of the activities they provide.
enzyme activity the catalytic effect exerted by an enzyme, expressed as units per milligram of enzyme (specific activity) or molecules of substrate transformed per minute per molecule of enzyme (molecular activity).malignant ventricular ectopic activity fibrillation" >ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia" >ventricular tachycardia with syncope, heart failure, myocardial ischemia, or hypotension.optical activity the ability of a chemical compound to rotate the plane of polarization of plane-polarized light.physical activity bodily movements, such as those accompanying activities of daily living.pulseless electrical activity (PEA) continued electrical rhythmicity of the heart in the absence of effective mechanical function; it may be due to uncoupling of ventricular muscle contraction from electrical activity or may be secondary to cardiac damage with respiratory failure and cessation of cardiac venous return. Called also electromechanical dissociation.purposeful activity in occupational therapy" >occupational therapy, tasks or experiences in which the individual actively participates that require and elicit coordination between the sensory, motor, cognitive, and psychological systems. Each person has a unique set of purposeful activities, influenced by his or her life roles, and, when doing one of them, directs attention to the task itself rather than to the internal processes involved. Activities may yield immediate results or may require sustained effort and repetition, and they may either represent new responses or be part of complex, longstanding patterns of behavior.sustained rhythmic activity the continuous generation of action potentials within the heart in the absence of artificial or external stimulation.triggered activity activity in which nondriven action potentials arise from afterpotentials that were caused by the previous action potential.


abbr.1. activities of daily living2. Anti-Defamation League


Abbreviation for:
active digital library
activities of daily living (Medspeak-UK)
aerobic dive limit
Amsterdam Depression List
annual dose limit


Abbreviation for activities of daily living.
FinancialSeeActivities of daily living


ADLAnti-Defamation League
ADLActivities of Daily Living
ADLAdvanced Distributed Learning
ADLAdvance/Decline Line (stock)
ADLActivity of Daily Living
ADLAutomatic Directory Listing
ADLApplication Development Language
ADLAdd Low
ADLAdapter Description Library
ADLAdvance Logic
ADLAdvances in Digital Libraries
ADLAudio Design Labs
ADLArthur D. Little Inc. (Boston based consulting company)
ADLArchitecture Description Language
ADLAll Day Long
ADLAlexandria Digital Library
ADLAcid Detergent Lignin
ADLAtlante Demologico Lombardo (Italian: Folkloric Atlas of Lombardy)
ADLAdvances in Digital Libraries (IEEE)
ADLArmistice Demarcation Line (US DoD)
ADLArgument-Dependent Lookup (C++)
ADLAdventure Definition Language
ADLAssisted Daily Living
ADLAdvanced Development Lab
ADLActive Duty List
ADLAdditions and Deletions List (International Air Transport Association)
ADLAddress Data Latch
ADLAdvanced Distributive Learning
ADLAcoustic Delay Line
ADLAeronautical Data-Link
ADLArmy Distance Learning
ADLAssign XX (SL) Routing (US DoD)
ADLAlliance des Libertés (French: Alliance of Liberties, Morocco)
ADLAutomatic Data Link
ADLAgent de Développement Local (French: Local Development Officer)
ADLAda Design Language
ADLAdventure Description Language
ADLAirborne Data Loader
ADLAirman Dormitory Leader (US Air Force)
ADLAdelaide, South Australia, Australia - Adelaide (Airport Code)
ADLAll Digital Loop
ADLAlgorithm Description Language (computer programming)
ADLAlaska Department of Labor
ADLAnti-Data Leakage
ADLAssociation des Diététiciens Libéraux (French: Liberal Dieticians Association)
ADLArea Dental Laboratory
ADLAbove Detection Limit
ADLAllowable Daily Intake
ADLApplied Dynamics Laboratory (Canada and Portugal)
ADLAuthorized Data List
ADLAirborne Data Link
ADLAnalytical Detection Limit
ADLArray Definition Language
ADLAllied Disposition List
ADLAfrique Developpement Local (Cameroon)
ADLAerobic Diving Limit
ADLAir Defense Laboratory
ADLArmy Doctrine Literature (US Army)
ADLArmenian Democratic League (Ramgavar Party)
ADLAutomatic Determination of Location
ADLAutomated Data List
ADLArmament Data Line
ADLArctic Digital Limited (Inuvik, NT, Canada)
ADLAdministrative Deadline
ADLAutomatic Disposal List
ADLArmy Digital Library
ADLAdd/Drop Linear (Alcatel)
ADLAvionics Development Lab
ADLAmerican Discount Lenders Inc.
ADLAnticipated Disbursement Listing (student financial aid)
ADLAsymptotic Discrimination Loss
ADLArmament Development Laboratory




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