Acronym | Definition |
ADK➣Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows) |
ADK➣Android Development Kit (software) |
ADK➣Adirondack Mountain Club |
ADK➣A Different Kind |
ADK➣Advanced Developer'S Kit |
ADK➣Adapter Development Kit |
ADK➣Application Developer'S Kit |
ADK➣Application Desktop |
ADK➣Aggressors of Dark Kombat (also seen as AODK; video game) |
ADK➣Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ästhetische Dermatologie und Kosmetologie |
ADK➣Additional Decryption Key |
ADK➣Alpha Delta Kappa (sorority) |
ADK➣All Day Kindergarten |
ADK➣ASIC Design Kit |
ADK➣Agent Development Kit |
ADK➣Archive Development Kit (SAP archiving) |
ADK➣Alternativa Demokratike e Kosovës (Democratic Alternative of Kosova) |
ADK➣Amba Design Kit (ARM processor) |
ADK➣Adak Island NS Airport (Alaska) |
ADK➣Achse des Kiffens (German gaming clan) |
ADK➣Application Definable Keys |
ADK➣Adirondack Soaring Club |
ADK➣Ante Diem Kalendarum (Latin: before the calendar, epigraphy) |
ADK➣Agder Drillkorps (Norway) |