Martegiani funnel

Mar·te·gi·a·ni fun·nel

(mahr-te-gē-ah'nē), the funnel-shaped dilation on the optic disc that indicates the beginning of the hyaloid canal. Synonym(s): Martegiani area

Mar·te·gi·a·ni fun·nel

(mahr'te-jē-ah'nē fŭn'ĕl) The funnel-shaped dilation on the optic disc that indicates the beginning of the hyaloid canal.
Synonym(s): Martegiani area.


J., 19th century Italian anatomist. Martegiani area - Synonym(s): Martegiani funnelMartegiani funnel - the funnel-shaped dilation on the optic disk that indicates the beginning of the hyaloid canal. Synonym(s): Martegiani area