Aarne, Antti Amatus

Aarne, An̄tti Amatus


Born Dec. 5, 1867, in Bjorneborg; died Feb. 5, 1925, in Helsinki. Finnish folklorist.

A representative of the so-called Finnish historicogeographic school of folklore, Aarne worked out and validated the technical devices of the comparative method and gave examples of its applications to folktales, riddles, and songs. Aarne’s theoretical formulations are marked by oversimplification and formalism. His most important works are An Index of Folktale Types (1910), The Principles of the Comparative Study of Folktales (1913), A Survey of the Literature on Folktales (1914), and A Comparative Study of Riddles (volumes 1–3 published in 1918). On the basis of Aarne’s index, N. P. Andreev in 1929 compiled the Russian Index of Folktale Plots Using Aarne’s System.


Andreev, N. “Antti Aarne.” Khudozhestvennyi fol’klor, 1926, no. 1.
Sokolov, Iu. M. Russkii fol’klor. Moscow, 1941.
Konkka, U. “Finskaia shkola’o skazke.” Trudy Karel’skogo Filiala AN. Voprosy literatury i narodnogo tvorchestva, Petrozavodsk, 1959, issue 20.